Marcello: Unrelenting daredevil, young promising football player, accidentally violinst, but… there are no accidents (quote: Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda).

In my restless quest, fortuitousness led me to meet the violin. I was 11 when the sight of a violin literally “in pieces” and the magic words spelled by my future Master in that moment – “this is a violin, wonderful things can come out of it” – left me dumbstruck.
I knew I had found what I was looking for, the thing that would give me what I wanted freely, without any restrictions.

So, for the following 9 years, I screamed, rejoiced, cried, smiled, and I gradually found myself – I’m still discovering things about myself I have never suspected – and I studied, studied and studied again and again. I don’t think I’ll ever stop studying, striving for the perfect bowing, the perfect sound, the perfect movement: as for Jonathan Livingstone seagull flying is the only breath of life, for me touching the violin sets the “perfect” harmony into the sum of details that defines me as a human being.

That’s why my life seems split in two halves where the encounter with the violin and music is the divide. A “before”, connected to indelible memories that I treasure and bring along in my small suitcase: the scent of freshly cut grass that seeped in my nostrils and in my heart when I dove to save a penalty, the uncontainable joy that I felt when I ran on top of the garages in my neighbourhood, the feeling of freedom while I was running and running. The “after”? Another life, another Marcello, another wonderful and rewarding universe and, here, the encounter with my “musical soul”, Daniela.

Now we run side by side, as a Duo.


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